To read our newsletters, click on the noticeboard..................Prospective Parents/Carers, see Home>Key Information>Prospective Parents for a Visual Presentation............... Our children continue to enjoy fabulous experiences in our very own Forest School!........The School Council is busy working hard to promote children's views.......

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Wednesday 13th July

Wednesday 13th July 2022                                     13.07.22

Liverpool Hope Residential Trip


8.45: Wednesday Word

9.20: Registers and prayers

9.30: Y6 leavers assembly preparation / Y5 Buddy letters

10.30: Break

10.45: Year 5 maths test 2 / Y6 leavers assembly preparation and get sports day equipment sorted

12.15: Lunch

13.15:  Y6 leavers assembly preparation / Y5 Buddy Letters

14.15: Science projects

15.15: Home
