To read our newsletters, click on the noticeboard..................Prospective Parents/Carers, see Home>Key Information>Prospective Parents for a Visual Presentation............... Our children continue to enjoy fabulous experiences in our very own Forest School!........The School Council is busy working hard to promote children's views.......

St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero


Rebecca's amazing Audacity recording

Poppy N experimented with sound layering, using Audacity

Isaac used Audacity to record this performance of Reach, by S Club 7

Here is an example of a musical performance using household items. A graphic score was composed first.

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Cara made a mash-up of song she enjoys listening to, using Audacity

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Listen to some of our instrumental performances.

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In music, we learned how to play the French tune, ‘Frere Jacques’ as part of our French Day celebrations. We had to read the staff notation and play the keyboard, guitar or glockenspiel.
