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St Paul's Catholic Primary School

A Voluntary Academy

Aspire not to have more but to be more – St Oscar Romero

Monday 15th June


L.O. To spell words

Here is the next set of spelling rule words. You are still working on the same statutory words. They're here too if you can't find them!



L.O. To identify regular and irregular  shapes

Watch  the video below to find out about regular and irregular shapes.   Then, you can see if you can complete the worksheet to identify which shapes are regular and which are irregular. 

If you can, go on a shape hunt around your house. What shapes can you find? Are they regular or irregular? Can you draw or write them in your yellow book?

Regular & Irregular Polygons


L.O. To be able to describe the weather in Spanish

Here is the next Spanish lesson from the Oak Academy. Enjoy!
